How Holistic Modalities Assist Traditional Medicine With Breast Cancer Healing

By :Barbara J. Litchfield

A friend of mine had breast cancer. Unfortunately, many women hear this news and are devastated. My friend was no exception. Since she herself is a Healing Touch Practitioner she knew the value of receiving energy work to support the immune system not only before and after all surgeries that were to come but also for the anxiety and fear that were her unexpected companions. Several of her colleagues rallied behind her. Many of us provided energy medicine before and after chemotherapy, radiation and her other surgeries. It was a difficult time for her but her daughter, who lived with her at the time, also was able to give her energy therapy during the long nights when friends were not around. This was especially helpful during the times when she was so sick that she couldn't leave her home. Finally, she had gotten through her treatment protocol.

One evening at a meeting I noticed her chatting away with a mutual friend looking fantastic. My friend had her hair done, make up on, was nicely dressed and had lost a few pounds. She looked so good that I wondered to myself, "has she had her abdominal surgery and breast reconstruction or not?" By the way she looked and acted it was hard to tell. So when we got a chance to talk and I asked her if she had had the reconstruction surgery, she said, "Yes, 3 weeks ago but my surgeon said that I'm 8 weeks out."(Meaning her healing was similar to someone who was 8 weeks beyond surgery and healing.) With her recovery so visible I wondered if other complementary modalities would also help other cancer patients with their healing.

Well, let's look at several:

*Acupuncture: This is a therapy in which very thin needles are placed strategically along meridian lines in the body. Presumable they allow the flow of "chi" or life energy along these pathways to facilitate wellness, get rid of pain, and nausea. There have been several studies done that support acupuncture as a possible complementary therapy for breast cancer patients:

In a 2000 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 104 women were being treated for breast cancer and given high does of chemotherapy. They were also given traditional anti-nausea medications. Out of the 104, some were randomly selected to receive electro-acupuncture, a process in which the needles used have a mild electric charge. The results show that the women who had electro-acupuncture had significantly fewer nausea attacks.

In a study completed at Duke University and published in 2002, the use of acupuncture was compared to the use of Zofran an anti-nausea medication in women with before breast cancer surgery. This was to help reduce the nausea that can occur after surgery. The acupuncture treatment was found to work better than Zofran at controlling nausea.

There are several risks with acupuncture, however. If the patient has had lymph nodes removed from under the arm needles must not be inserted there as it may cause lymphedema or an excess of fluid in that arm. There is also a risk of infections if the acupuncturist does not use sterile disposable needles and swab the insertion area prior to insertion. In addition there is a risk of bleeding for some people. When considering this or any complementary modality it is best to seek the advice of a physician who knows the patient's history and can advise accordingly.

Massage Therapy: Massage therapy is the gentle to deep kneading and stroking of the superficial muscles of the body using oil or lotion. Some benefits of massage therapy for the general population are increased circulation, relief of muscle tension and pain, support through sports injuries, headaches and general stress relief.

A randomized control trial was published by the Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Charite Center for Internal Medicine and Dermatology in Berlin, Germany by M, Reisshauer A, Krohn M, Voight B, Tjahono G, Becker J, Klapp BF and Rauchfuss M. to investigate the efficacy of classical massage treatment in reducing breast cancer-related symptoms and in improving mood disturbances. Their conclusion was that classical massage seems to be an effective complementary treatment for reducing physical discomfort and fatigue, and improving mood disturbances in women with early stage breast cancer.

The literature has shown that bodywork significantly reduces chemo-induced nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Anecdotal evidence also indicates massage helps patients maintain their appetite and weight during chemotherapy. For radiation patients a skilled therapist may help with residual symptoms.

Chiropractic: Chiropractic therapy is a therapy wherein the body's structure, movement and function are addressed. Chiropractors use hands on manipulation or other tools to address musculoskeletal conditions. The underlying thought is if the body's structure is in balance then its movement will be highly efficient.

Studies have shown that chiropractic therapy can help relieve headaches, back and joint pain in women who have had breast cancer treatment. Other studies have looked at using chiropractic therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms in breast cancer survivors, but the results weren't conclusive or mixed.

Are there risks to chiropractic therapy for breast cancer patients? A patient with bleeding problems or those on anticoagulants (blood thinners) may have a higher risk of stroke caused by manipulation of the spine. Also, those with osteoporosis or may be at risk for broken bones with chiropractic.

Healing Touch Energy Therapy: Healing Touch is a non-invasive holistic modality in which a practitioner uses her hands and intention to effect the bio-field surrounding the person's physical body as well as the chakra system. There are seven major chakras or energy centers on the body as well as many minor chakras. Techniques are used to address the individual's presenting physical, mental-emotional and spiritual needs. Is this modality successful with breast cancer?

According to Healing Touch International, a study was done which meets the "gold standard" of research by Cook and others. Researchers found that "those who received Healing Touch demonstrated better quality of life in all nine domains measured with significant differences in vitality, pain, and physical functioning. In another study, massage therapy, Healing Touch, and 'presence' were compared during cancer treatment. Both massage and Healing Touch were found to significantly reduce levels of pain and reduced mood disturbance. There was also less fatigue in the Healing Touch group. One small study found that a Healing Touch intervention significantly improved fatigue and nausea, and showed improvements in distress and pain in those undergoing cancer treatments. However, clinical trials are being conducted at the University of Iowa in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services to determine if Healing Touch has an effect on immune function, fatigue and radiation induced skin damage with breast cancer patients during treatment.

Complementary modalities are being used more and more by cancer patients to support them as they go through chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment. It is important to find the one that works the best for each individual according to their medical history and doctor's advice.

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Barbara Litchfield is a Healing Touch Practitioner who focuses her practice on helping people release pain...from stress, accidents, trauma, sports, falls, chronic illness such as cancer, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's Disease, surgery, and normal aging.

Barbara's clients include both women and men who suffer from pain. She works with each client as an individual using her knowledge and experience of healing touch energy therapy and Reiki. Barbara also offers aromatherapy with organic essential oils to clients crafting each blend for their specific needs.

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Manfaat Asuransi Kesehatan :

1. Mengurangi biaya bila kita mendapat perawatan di rumah sakit. kita jadi tenang waktu dirawat karena biaya sudah di tanggung pihak Asuransi.

2.Manfaat yang diperoleh lebih besar dari jumlah uang yang kita keluarkan, karena ditanggung bersama.

3.Melatih berhemat dalam penggunaan uang dan punya perencanaan masa depan yang lebih baik
Tips mencegah penyakit Kanker

1.Makan banyak sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, biji-bijian seperti tempe, tahu dan makanan yang banyak mengandung serat.

2.Hindari berat badan berlebihan atau kegemukan. Timbanglah berat badan 1 kali seminggu. Penelitian menunjukkan, akibat kegemukan akan menjadi sumber berbagai penyakit.

3.Kurangi terlalu banyak makanan gorengan dan juga yang mengandung protein dan lemak tinggi serta jeroan.

4.Batasi makanan yang diolah dengan suhu tinggi dan lama atau dengan pengolahan tertentu yang dapat menimbulkan prokarsinogen seperti makanan yang diasinkan, diasap, dibakar sampai gosong.

5.Hati-hati dengan penggunaaan pemanis buatan, pewarna makanan yang berlebihan.

6.Makanan dijaga kebersihannya, biasakan mencuci bila makan buahan segar.

7.Tidak berlebihan mengkonsumsi minuman yang mengandung alkohol, kalau dapat dihindari.

8.Olahraga secara teratur disertai kesehatan mental dan rohani merupakan cara yang efective mencegah penyakit kanker